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July 20, 2023

$150,000 Investment in EV Chargers for Rural Manitoba


Eco-West is thrilled with the Manitoba government’s funding announcement for four new Level 3 electric vehicle (EV) charging stations in Holland, Cypress River, and Treherne as part of a $150,000 investment across Manitoba. 

Environment and Climate Minister Kevin Klein emphasized the government’s commitment to green transportation projects as part of its efforts to protect the environment and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The installation will include four Level 3 chargers strategically placed in the communities, enhancing accessibility to EV charging infrastructure in southwestern Manitoba.

The introduction of Level 3 chargers in these areas is expected to alleviate concerns surrounding the limited range of electric vehicles as well as provide convenience for EV owners travelling from other provinces and those seeking to commute to larger urban centers such as Brandon and Winnipeg.

The government’s support for these charging stations aligns with Manitoba’s Made-In-Manitoba Climate and Green Plan, which emphasizes the transition to a low-carbon economy and positions the province as a leader in clean and sustainable practices.

For more details on the Made-In-Manitoba Climate and Green Plan, visit the government’s website at