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November 23, 2023

Natural Infrastructure and Prairie Prosperity


The natural infrastructure sector contributes billions to the Prairie-wide economy and creates jobs. We need more investment in this sector, which is required to treat and supply clean, fresh water to the millions who live on Canada’s Prairies, as well as to protect them from natural disasters.

Natural infrastructure involves the conservation, restoration, or enhancement of natural landscapes to provide specific results. For example, wetlands can naturally house excess water during floods; green roofs can help manage runoff; and forests, grasslands, and restored stream banks can replenish groundwater, mitigate flood- and drought-related risks, support fisheries, and provide opportunities for recreation. The sector employs a variety of workers, including landscape architects, ecologists, urban planners, stormwater managers, and environmental consultants.

Three wins when investing in natural infrastructure:

  • Drives Prairie economic growth and jobs
  • Bridges the water infrastructure gap
  • Boosts resiliency against severe weather events
