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June 17, 2024

Federation of Canadian Municipalities Implementation Projects: Adaptation in Action

Funding Opportunities

Funds climate adaptation implementation projects designed to help communities adjust and respond effectively to the impacts of climate change. (note: Emergency response and/or disaster recovery projects are ineligible.)

To qualify for funding, proposed activities must support eligible applicants to implement measures that reduce impacts from climate-related events and hazards. They should be:

  • A new or subsequent phase of a climate adaptation project (retroactive funding is not available) 
  • Capable of completion within three years from the date of grant approval 
  • Eligible for required approvals, authorizations and permits (where applicable) 
  • Developed and constructed to ensure that hazard sensitivity is not increased, is not transferred to any parties or to the environment (e.g., transfer of flood risk downstream, destruction of habitat, introduction of pollutants to the environment), and is not maladapted (increasing sensitivity to other hazards)  
  • MAXIMUM AWARD:  $1 million
    • Grant for 60% of eligible costs, to a max. of $1 million
    • Meeting certain criteria may qualify for grant up to 100% 
  • APPLICATION DEADLINE: August 14, 2024